Transforming lives Together: Empower, Educate, and Heal with us.

Welcome to Mihret Group, a dedicated non-profit humanitarian organization committed to fostering change and development in some of the world's most challenging environments. Since our inception five years ago, we have been at the forefront of providing medical relief, vocational training, and sustainable development projects across the Horn of Africa.  

Our mission is to extend our reach from five to an ambitious seventeen countries, amplifying our impact and transforming more lives. We focus on sending lifesaving relief to war-torn areas in Northeast Africa and providing essential medical and food supplies to crisis-affected regions like Ukraine. Beyond immediate relief, we are passionate about empowering communities. Through our initiatives, we help local populations establish businesses, creating sustainable income streams and fostering economic independence. 

Join us as we strive to inspire and implement social, economic, educational, medical, and environmental change. Together, we can build a brighter, self-sustaining future for those who need it most. 

Our mission is to compassionately reach out and assist communities in need through humanitarian aid, and community engagement, promoting resilience and exclusivity.